The fastest conventional train
1987/02/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Swedish company Asea AB, XIX. The Swedish Railway Company has been ordered to build 20 ontiates of a fast train that will adapt to the old railways of the 20th century. They will be the fastest trains with conventional technology.
Most advanced countries have opted for a fast train. The French or Japanese TGV bullet train is an example of the effort made by new technologies to exceed 200 km/h. However, such projects require special railways. The British APT wants to take advantage of the old railways through a pendulum excuse train. But the problems arising in the prototype have delayed the project.

Within Swedish trains there is the same idea. To take advantage of existing tracks, trains manufactured by Asea will automatically bend in curves to counteract centrifugal force. This system, in addition to increasing the comfort of travelers, will eliminate accidents that occur today above 160 km/h.

Locomotives will be equipped with AC motors. In this way, more autonomy and less maintenance will be achieved with respect to DC motors. The trains will consist of a locomotive and five cars. It will transport a total of 300 passengers, 50 of them in first class.
The first tour will connect Stockholm with Goteburg. A trip of more than four hours a day will not need more than three.

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