Traffic and drugs
1996/01/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Traffic accidents are an increasingly serious problem among youth. The international committee of experts that has analyzed the causes of accidents considers that driving under the effects of different drugs is one of the greatest risk factors, which seems evident, but what is surprising is the basis on which this analysis has been based. In fact, according to the risk distributions used by the Commission, illegal drugs that any of us can acquire as drugs could be assimilated.
The comprehensive analysis of drug components concludes that their potential risk is higher than that of illegal drugs. Among the most dangerous drugs are substances in the group of psychotropes that can be natural or chemical, since they directly affect the driver's senses. However, to clarify the controversy raised by the results of the Study, the following was indicated: About 30% of French drivers routinely use sedative drugs, of which 60% accepted dependence on these substances.

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