Titicaca, believing lake
2001/04/24 Elhuyar Zientzia

The island of the Sun and the island of the Moon are located in the lagoon of Titicaka, in the part corresponding to Bolivia. For the Incas they were sacred centers and approached there on the pilgrimage. They were so important that kings also traveled beyond the Kuzo. The Incas left there numerous temples and astronomical observatories and archaeologists still work there. Two American archaeologists study the islands of the Sun and the Moon and conclude that they were ritual zones before the Inca civilization arose. BC. In 185 sites, clues ranging from 2000 to the Inca era have been investigated. The oldest remains are those of hunters and gatherers and do not show a ritual use of the islands. But those ceded by the people of Tiahuanaco lived before the Incas (A.D.) 400-1000) yes. Several devices belonging to the village of Tiahuanaco have been found in the ritual areas of the islands and are believed to have been transported from land to the temples. As the Incas did 1,000 years later, the Tiahuanacos also approached the islands on pilgrimage.

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