
Tiger in the last

1997/02/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

In the 1940s the Bali tiger disappeared, in the 1980s the Java tiger and now touches the Siberian tiger.

The tiger was hidden in the 40s of the Indonesian island of Bali and in the 80s of the island Java. Now it seems that the turn has reached that of Siberia. In fact, there are already less than two hundred.

At one time he was surprised by its wonderful healing properties, but now he is threatened by another fashion, as the new rich Russians look for tiger skins to decorate their homes. This trend leads the unemployed of the Far East of Siberia to hunt tigers, although as punishment you have to pay large fines and go to jail for three years.

Amba is an environmental group that wants to replace the authorities in conservation work because it cannot control such wide territories of Siberia.

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