Terminator Network
2001/05/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
That is the name they have given to the genetically modified pink chrysalis paste. This sits attacks the cotton fields and feeds on leaves, flowers and seeds of cotton plants.
To combat the plague, they have been given the gene that is activated if they do not eat a specific food prepared in the laboratory. Then, by releasing moths and copulating with wild, the gene prevents the development of eggs. This gradually reduces the number of chickens as females copulate with modified males and do not create offspring as they die.
This ‘Terminator’ is still being created and testing is expected to take place in closed areas with networks. However, some conservation researchers and advocates believe these techniques can be dangerous. Among other things, they say that once the modified sits are released it is an irreversible technique.

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