Telemedicine and its risks
1999/12/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
Telemedicine can be one of the most important advances of the beginning of the following century; advances in Information Technologies have allowed to develop more and more advanced forms of communication, and at present can be consulted with the doctor through a computer, send signs of patient life or request help in an emergency. All these communications would be made over the Internet, so it could be a good alternative for regular medical services.
However, telemedicine is at great risk: That is, other people can access information that is sent over the Internet. As with credit card codes, it is necessary to protect patient data, especially when it comes to critical data. Psychiatric data, diabetes, AIDS, other serious diseases, etc.
Large medical companies are developing systems to store medical information and secure transmission so that in the future patients can consult a doctor through the home computer (or laptop). The next step would be the implementation of basic medical devices for remote treatment. For example, take pulse, monitor life signals, dose or make prescriptions.

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