Cell phones… dangerous?
1999/11/21 Kortabarria Olabarria, Beñardo - Elhuyar Zientzia
A group of experts formed by physicists and doctors aims to give a clear answer to the title question for March. To do this they have met in Edinburgh and from now on they will talk with the usual users of cell phones and with some experts who have analyzed the subject.
According to some expert, in addition to causing burukominas, nausea, fatigue and insomnia, cell phones are able to develop tumors, as the brain can absorb microwaves coming out of cell phones. At the moment, however, there is no evidence that can confirm these statements. Therefore, we will have to wait until March.
Meanwhile, cell phone sales continue to grow uninterruptedly. Last year it rose by 51%, with 163 million cell phones sold. And that has a social impact, especially in the United States. Just as they have a special space for smokers, in the New York subway at 6 in the morning, a space has also been enabled for those who have cell phone. In restaurants similar measures have been initiated and in several universities it has been forbidden to carry cell phone.
Published in 7

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