
Technology at the service of war

1995/05/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

War and technology have often been shown to be a good company. On this occasion, the new training model launched by the US Army will soon become news. U.S. soldiers will be able to fight around the world without leaving the barracks.

War and technology have often been shown to be a good company. Also in Oraigoa.

For this they will use virtual reality. The soldier in the image is one of the few who has used the new system. Through the Landsat satellite, the soldier can use the previously selected coordinates to fight in an emergent four-dimensional situation (three coordinates and time variable).

The information emitted by the satellite is treated and completed in headquarters. The new training model will not only address war simulation, but, according to the US Army, will be the perfect tool for soldiers to become familiar with difficult situations.

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