
Technology and security

1995/12/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Faced with a common emergency situation, a group of French researchers believe that all reactions that occur can be predicted with physical and psychological criteria and all of them have met in a simulation program.

We cannot predict how each of us would respond to an emergency situation. We believed this until we learned about the recent experiment in France.

Faced with a common emergency situation, each element involved has different tendencies and behaviors. However, a group of French researchers considers that all reactions can be predicted with physical and psychological criteria and all of them have met in a simulation program. So far, simulation projects have analyzed the factors of the environment, but this new program also takes into account the psychological aspect of people.

In addition to analyzing what would be the most logical escape from a fire, it analyzes criteria such as panic or agitation. So far it has only been used in the laboratory, but as soon as the approval phase is over, the French government has announced that it is willing to use it.