
Nose, another species of dolphin

2005/07/07 Rementeria Argote, Nagore - Elhuyar Zientziaren Komunikazioa

So far it has been believed that the dolphin called Irrawady lived in Asian and Australian waters, but they were mistaken, since the Australian is another species. This other dolphin has been called Snubfin (the English word ‘snub’ means ‘nose’) and its scientific name is Orcaella heinsohni.

The two species of dolphin have been separated by the study of DNA, but it is believed that it is also possible to separate them physically, among other things, have a different color: The Australian Snubfina has three colors, the Asian Irrawaddy has a uniform gray color and white a belly.

In the image above you can see Irrawaddya, grey. In the smaller image (above right) there is a Snubfin.

Photo: WWWF-Canon / Alain Compost.