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Promoting STEM identity
2021/11/30 STEAM-Hezkuntza (Elhuyar Zientzia)

Ed. Pernan Goñi Olalde
In order to develop young people's interest in STEM, a positive image of STEM should be provided:
- Show STEM professionals as a normal reference, as people with normal life (hobbies, failures and academic successes, family and friends, etc. people who have them). Thus, we will try to move <oso bizkorrak> away from the <bear bizkorrak> stereotype <muy rápidos> of STEM <friki/geek-ak> professionals <aprendices> (<<very <ikastunak> fast>>, <friki/geek-ak> <friki/geeks> <<apprentices>> <ikastunak> and <<friki/geeks>>>).
- Talk about the STEM, but also about the STEM: how this topic is, how it was before, how we want to be, what each can do to improve it...
- Impact from childhood on the compatibility between STEM and girls' identities, but without FRIVOLITY! Facilitate exchange between professionals and similar young STEM in gender, life interests, ethnicity, etc.
- To make visible the historical and current contribution of women and other non-stereotypical groups in the STEM, but without highlighting only the case of success.
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