1986/06/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
Soriasis is a widespread disease among us (affects 2-4% of the population) and its treatment difficulties are known. Recently and for the first time, the human surface affected by soriasis has been rebuilt. A group of dermatologists from the Henri Mondor Hospital have achieved a human cell culture that helps determine the origin of this disease. For some time it is known that the characteristic reddish plaques of soriasis are a consequence of peeling of the skin.
Flaking is the result of a very rapid surface renewal, which is renewed in a normal cycle. This gap appears to be due to the fact that dermis cells favor the faster proliferation of epidermis cells. Dermatologists study the mechanism of this abnormal functioning in order to find a suitable strategy to cure soriasis.

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