
Plastic from soybean oil

2001/09/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

A few years ago, the Composites Materials Center, belonging to the Delaware School of Engineering, launched the ACRES program, with the aim of obtaining cost-effective composites from renewable sources. Richard P. Chemical engineer Wool is part of this program, in which he considers that soybean oil can be used as industrial plastic. So far, the researchers at this center have used soy to produce a high-strength plastic, with which most of the tractor components, including tires, could be manufactured.

To transform soy into plastic, a process similar to that of oil must be followed. However, the main advantage of soy is that genetic changes can achieve desired characteristics. In addition, it has better physical properties than wood, it degrades easily and as it is sown in many parts of the world, it would not generate the monopoly that generates oil. According to Wool, it can also be used in construction and furniture.

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