Science rejects chronic fatigue
2012/02/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
Science has now rejected a work published two years ago on chronic fatigue, "because it has lost confidence in the report and the conclusions obtained." This study revealed the existence of an XMRV virus in the origin of chronic fatigue, as published in the December 2009 issue of this journal. If this had been confirmed, there would be a step forward in the knowledge and search for treatments. However, the report raised suspicion from the beginning among researchers from all over the world, since against what appeared in the published results they found no trace of virus in the blood of their patients. The researchers considered that there were errors in the research that appeared in the report, so the conclusions were not correct.
Given the criticisms, the journal Science contacted the authors of the report to ask for a correction. However, the editor of the journal indicates that not all authors were willing to accept the error. Therefore, Science has taken an extraordinary decision which has been rejected.