Satellite interference
2000/06/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
Signals from satellites can be interfered from home with simple equipment, according to the U.S. Navy. Instructions for performing the interference equipment can be found on the Internet.
Tim Marceau noted that, in addition to the abundant information on how to build satellites on the Internet and how to interact with them, it can also interfere. To verify the information, he commissioned two novice engineers from the U.S. Navy Research Laboratory to build an interference system, for which they should use the Internet. A tool that interfered with satellite antennas or UHF military receivers was designed with $7,500.
The antenna of the interference apparatus was carried out by winding the copper tubes around the plastic ones. The amplifier and generator were placed underneath. Inside a car they built an effective mobile tool to perform interference.
John Pike, Head of Space Surveillance at the Federation of American Scientists at Whasintong DC, acknowledges that there is a lot of information to interfere with the Internet, but much remains to be used in practice. In addition, he considers it difficult to interfere with equipment built at home with modern communications satellites.

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