Saqarah Queens
1990/07/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
Thanks to excavations made in Saqqarah from the capital of Alkairo de Egypto, it has been discovered that next to the pyramid of King Pepi I there are three queen buried. Four thousand years after its construction, next to the great pyramid of the king have found three other small ones, corresponding to the three reigns. The first two were found in 1988 and the third, recently.

The three small pyramids are almost aligned to the south of the great pyramid. The third that has been found is that of half of the other two small ones. Like the other two, the base part measures 40 Egyptian elbows (20.96 meters). All the pyramids have been large and small, crushed and empanadas until leaving only the base. There are no mummies anymore and only a few containers have been found: a piece of bronze necklace, a gilded bronze glass and a golden wooden sandal of the queen.
King Pepi I. He lived around 2280-2250. Yours is one of the oldest pyramids found in the written text. The hieroglyphs cover entire walls and we know that the king made expeditions to Sinai and Byblos. Thanks to the texts it has been discovered that it had three queens. They know that one was called "Nubet benet" and that the first word means "golden".

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