
Different species of bats as called

2004/09/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Researchers have found that bats are actually three different species, with the most significant difference being the frequency of waves used for echolocation.

Researchers have found that Indonesian bats Rhinolophus philippinensis of Indonesia are actually three different species, with the most significant difference between these species being the frequency of waves they use for echolocation.

The researchers realized that in this species there were bats of three sizes, which were not mixed together for reproduction, and then they saw that the frequencies of the waves they use for echolocation are also not the same. It seems that the frequency of waves is adapted to the size of the insects they hunt. High frequency waves are more suitable for hunting small insects, and precisely small bats use high-frequency waves for hunting small insects.

Each bat receives only the frequency waves it emits, so a certain size bat does not hear calls of other sizes. They don't even know they exist.

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