Canadian Robert Langlands wins 2018 Abel
2018/03/21 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Mathematician Robert Langlands will be the winner of the 2018 Abel for the unification of several mathematical disciplines. With more than thirty years he developed the winning theory in 1967, in which he linked two areas of mathematics: number theory and harmonic analysis, which until then no one had related. Subsequently, his work has been taken as a unified theory of mathematics.
According to the Norwegian Academy of Sciences and Letters, “it brought a new way of thinking about mathematics.” What Langlands proposed has been widely disseminated since then, and hundreds of mathematicians around the world have been participating in the Langlands program that emerged from this theory.
Born in Canada in 1936, Langlands is currently a professor at the Institute of Advanced Research in Princeton (USA). On 22 May he will receive the Abel Prize, which is considered equivalent to the Nobel Prize in Mathematics.

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