
Pressure up in Pluto

2003/11/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

In the studies carried out since 1988, changes have been observed in the fine nitrogen atmosphere of Pluto, including the increase in pressure.

Pluto is the smallest planet in the solar system. It is small and is far away.

(Photo: ANDÉN).

When it approaches the Sun it is about 4,400 million kilometers away. It has then a fine and light atmosphere composed of methane, carbon dioxide, nitrogen and water. On the contrary, when you leave the Sun reaches 7,500 million kilometers. Around these distances, all atmospheric molecules freeze, and one cannot speak of atmosphere.

It is currently moving away, so astronomers expect the pressure of the atmosphere to be less and less. But this is not what is being observed in the visible and infrared zone, but the opposite. The atmosphere expands and the pressure increases. However, what is happening there will be investigated through the Pluto Kuiper Express probe that will be screened in 2006. Where is the key?

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