
Pollution: more inside than outside

2003/09/25 Rementeria Argote, Nagore - Elhuyar Zientziaren Komunikazioa

If someone is inside the house and believes he is safe from contamination, he is wrong. It is said that there are more pollutants than in the street in homes and other buildings. This is demonstrated by research conducted in several European Union countries.

European citizens spend around
90% of the day inside, mainly at home and at work, but also in bars, cinemas, sports centres or libraries.

Indoor air pollution was once thought to be of external origin, but it is not so. The main sources of pollutants are included: cleaning products, electrical appliances, building materials... and tobacco smoke.

The same study explains that although ventilation is frequent, contaminants can hardly be sent from home. However, it should be noted that the local climate can also influence the composition of the outside air and therefore the interior. However, houses and buildings advise good ventilation.

Some of the diseases that contaminants can cause in indoor air are known as legionella and asthma. However, in the indoor air there may be substances that can produce other diseases. Asbestos and polycyclic aromatic compounds, for example, can cause lung cancer and other contaminants may appear that can damage the respiratory system and eyes.

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