
Planetary body at the limit of the Solar System

2004/03/16 Lexartza Artza, Irantzu - Elhuyar Zientziaren Komunikazioa

Bright red, it is three times farther from Earth than Pluto. This planetary body has been baptized for the time being as Sedna (goddess of the Inuit Ocean), the largest body found in the solar system since its discovery in 1930 in Pluto.

Astronomers believe it can reach 1,700 kilometers in diameter, three-quarters the size of Pluto. The entire orbit takes 10,500 years and is located 130 billion kilometers from the Sun when it is further away. It is believed that Oort may be the first body discovered in the cloud. It has long been proposed that this cloud may be the cradle of several comets visible from Earth, but so far they have not been able to detect their bodies.

Since the body was first seen in November 2003, several observations have been made using different telescopes. Astronomers have also said they can have a satellite, but to ensure it they need images from the Hubble telescope.

Speculations have already begun that Sedna will be the tenth planet in the Solar System and it seems that size will be the key to deciding whether or not.

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