Pierre Deligne, Abel Prize 2013
2013/03/21 Roa Zubia, Guillermo - Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Belgian mathematician Pierre Deligne will be the winner of the 2013 Abel Prize, one of the greatest awards in the field of mathematics. As in the case of the winners of previous editions, Deligne's work is part of a field of mathematics, but it also applies to others. In that the specialist Deligne has been. His natural field has been algebraic geometry, but Deligne's research has been applied to number theory, representation theory, etc. At the age of 30 he achieved great fame for showing his last conjecture in Weil and four years later he was given the Fields medal. He has therefore won the highest prizes in mathematics: Fields Medal and Abel Prize. He has also won the Cradfoord, Wolf and Balzan awards.

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