If Picasso knew...
2001/09/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Two scientists from the University of North Carolina present a new system of painting artistic paintings by computer. Programs so far only take into account the final aspect of the picture. However, painting is more than that; painters have a great sensitivity and “feel” what they paint, see and touch.
Therefore, Bill Baxter and Vincent Schei wanted to collect the whole process of painting a painting, for which they have devised a system of connection between the painter and the computer. dAb (Interactive Haptic Painting with 3D Virtual Brushes), able to transmit the movement of the hand to the computer with great precision.
According to the inventors, the result is the same as that obtained with the use of real brushes. Once the box is finished, it can be saved, modified or printed on the fabric. Therefore, professional artists can use it as a working tool or to prepare the first drafts. In order to use the program, you have to put a graphic accelerator on your computer.

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