
Pedro Miguel Etxenike, named honorary member of the European Physics Association

2018/04/11 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria


Pedro Miguel Etxenike Landiribar, professor at the UPV and director of the DIPC Donostia International Physics Center has been named honorary member of the European Association of Physics (EPS).

This recognition is limited to 20 people worldwide, including astrophysicist Jocelyn Bell, seven Nobel laureates, two former directors of the European Council for Nuclear Research and two Princess of Asturias awards.

The European Physics Association, founded in 1968, brings together 42 national physics associations. In total, adding 42 associations, the European association brings together 120,000 members. As a scientific association, it promotes the progress of physics, favors the interests of the European physical community and fosters international cooperation.

In addition, the EPS promotes initiatives to create a scientifically informed and knowledge-based society. In fact, she has been nominated in Paris, invited by the association before a conference on the festival Passion for Knowledge.

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