Welcome to the Pyrenees!
1996/01/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
Recently, since the Pyrenees, we have received good news. Pyrénées Magazine has confirmed in its latest issue what hitherto was a rumor: In the valleys of Aspe and Ossau was born last spring a brood of brown bear (Ursus arpartes).
In the last issue of this magazine you can see pictures of Jean Jacques Camarra as proof of this. From these images it follows that the bear was born last spring. The news has spread rapidly among the local population and biologists and the initial joy has opened the way to concern. In fact, in the environment that will know the new bear breeding, new projects have been launched, among which is the Sonport tunnel that can totally alter its habitat.
All these projects will entail new living conditions for the newborn and their adaptation to them is yet to be discovered. On the other hand, before it is too late, it should be clarified if someone can protect themselves against illegal hunters.

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