Top ten telescopes
2009/04/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Astronomers at McMaster University have formed a list of the ten telescopes that most high-impact scientific publications have given. In this list, in addition to the large and famous telescopes, two small telescopes appear in the first two places: Sky Survey Digital Telescope, located in New Mexico, and Swift satellite, looking for gamma ray explosions.
The list of the ten telescopes is as follows:
1. Sloan Digital Sky Survey (New Mexico)
2. Swift (satellite)
3. Hubble Space Telescope (satellite)
4th European Southern Observatory (ESO, Chile)
5. Pair of twin telescopes Keck (Hawaii)
6th Canada France Hawaii Telescope (Hawaii)
7. Spitzer Space Telescope (satellite)
8th. Chandra X-ray Observatory Center (satellite)
9. Boomerang (stratospheric balloon)
10. High Energy Stereoscopic System (Namibia).

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