
Blood Donors

1998/03/01 Arrojeria, Eustakio - Elhuyar Zientziaren Komunikazioa Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Elhuyar. That friend you are reading Zientzia eta Teknika magazine, have you ever given blood? If your answer is yes, I want to thank you that your blood has already benefited someone. But for those who have responded negatively, along with the recommendation to continue reading, I would like to start a hypothetical dialogue, facing the most common excuses of not donating blood.

If a person who has never donated blood is asked the reasons, he or she will usually come out with a response of the type:

No one has ever asked me

The purpose of taking tension and analyzing the existence or not of anima has been to protect the donor.
Gipuzkoa Blood Donor Association

Well, I ask you. This tacit invitation may not be formal, but it is real, as it is what people who are in need of blood (or this form of blood) will do: injured in work or circulation accidents, or who are waiting for blood to be operated. Some of them may also be occupying a bed in a hospital, the bed another patient would need. And blood is found only in people's veins. A blood result can save a life. Have you ever heard more real invitations?

My blood will not work because I have been sick

Before donating blood consult your family doctor if you wish. But if you make the decision to donate blood, you will be given a previous medical recognition that will tell you if your blood is useful or not, always for your health and well-being. Stay calm and trust our doctors.

If I need blood, I have money, I will pay it and ready

Yes, you'll still have enough money to buy all the blood from around the world, but don't forget that the blood you need has been donated before someone else to heal you. Without blood, your money is useless, because blood has to wait for the sick and not the other way around, so that everything goes well and without any danger.

I need my blood

A healthy adult normally has between 5 and 6 liters of blood in his body. Doctors claim that there is no problem donating blood periodically, without suffering any harm or harm.

My blood group is not one of the most in demand

All blood groups are needed, such as the most common, even the rarest. Just think that you may also need blood. If everyone in your team thinks like you...

Because it scares me to donate blood

Many people are afraid when they first come to donate blood. But then fear is lost and blood donation passes something natural and simple. Look at those who usually donate blood and then draw your bills.

It weighs very little

Anyone who asks for more than 50 kilos can donate blood. Trust this criterion and the experience and experience of the doctor who will perform the review.

I have no age to donate blood

If you are between the ages of 18 and 65 you are in the age of donating blood.

This year I have already donated blood

You have done it very well, but the result can be repeated without any harm to health or well-being. Any healthy person can donate several times a year, 3 to 4 times a year men and 2 to 3 women.

It's not good for me to go and donate blood.

Mobile blood extraction equipment will now approach you. They will travel several times a year even if it is the smallest of all the peoples of our geography.

They also attend factories, establishments, faculties, vocational training institutes, etc.

In addition, in the capitals there are usually headquarters of the Blood Donor Association, where you will find a wide schedule to do your result.

After donating blood I had a weakness

The volume of blood that comes out is recovered by the body in a very short time. It is usually recommended to take a break, but it is true that very soon after donating blood, anyone is able to return to their usual tasks.

There are many people who donate blood

Yes, it is true, but blood and derivatives are increasingly needed as medicine progresses. And we must not hinder the advances of medicine that benefit everyone. Therefore it is necessary that you participate and blood gifts.

I never thought my blood could be necessary

The snack offered by volunteers after the donation helps to replenish strength and also creates a friendly atmosphere.
Gipuzkoa Blood Donor Association

Of course your blood is necessary. They need blood in our hospitals every minute of the day. Come on! Decide once and for all! Become a blood donor!

I would donate my blood, but without negotiation

Fortunately, this excuse is a past story. Today no one can negotiate with blood and in that we act rigorously. The only one who does business is a patient who needs blood when given blood.

I have no time for it

If you take into account the benefit your result can bring, you will realize that it is not enough reason and if you analyze it more slowly you will see that you are not as busy as you think and you will take a while to go to donate blood.

They will not allow me as a donor

Maybe yes. Travel and try. Even if they don't accept you, the ban can be temporary and the doctor will tell you when you can go back.

My blood is not right

Before donating blood, a blood sample will be tested, although the test will then be completed and extended in the laboratory. You will be immediately informed of the results of the sample analysis and if there is a problem you can take appropriate action.

I only give myself mine when someone needs blood

Someone may be a close relative or an intimate friend. You cannot know what will happen in a moment. In catastrophic situations, there is usually no lack of blood, people get excited about the disaster and blood will be donated to the pain.

Everyday wounds are permanent, daily needs in the hospital, for example, and these are dramatic and spectacular.

Something does not work well if the patient has to wait for the blood to be ready. If you have never donated blood, will you not have some responsibility in that situation?

Requirements to be a donor

If you’re going to donate blood under pressure (because some family member needs it…), don’t go better. The donation must be a freely adopted decision.


  • Age between 18 and 65 years,
  • Weight exceeding 50 kg.
  • be healthy
  • have the feeling of not having carried out any activity that facilitates the transmission of any disease

To know

  • Conventional extraction of 450 cm3 of blood
  • 7-10 minutes
  • women 3 times a year and men 4 times a year
  • there must be a minimum interval of two months between results
  • if the result is satisfactory, a result will be extracted hematis, plasma and platelets by centrifugation.

There is also the possibility of an autotransfusion, but for this, the date of cut must be fixed and the maximum period between the date of obtaining the first result and the cut will be 35 days.

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