
Double Core Galaxy

2003/09/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria


What is in the nucleus of the galaxy 3C 66B? According to some Japanese astronomers, two huge black holes spinning around. The tour is completed every 1.05 years and the stars of the galaxy are trapped in the gravitational field created in that movement. Surely many galaxies have a couple of black holes in the core. According to experts, this characteristic is a consequence of the union of two galaxies with a black hole.

However, black holes are not seen, so it is difficult to confirm this. For this, the most logical option is to analyze the movement of visible stars, trapped in the gravitational zone of black holes. Japanese astronomers have done so in the case of the 3C 66B galaxy and have come to the conclusion that this movement is due to two black holes that each other.

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