
Who needs sun?

2002/06/23 Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana - Elhuyar Zientzia

Summer comes and more than one wants to die. Then, run and hurry to sunset! However, getting the desired color is not a day thing, and if the tan is not made with protective cream it is very likely to burn. How to avoid all these problems? The answer is at your disposal through regional creams.
There are breeds that have more melanin so they can stay longer in the sun without burning.

When Coco Chanel became fashionable in the 1920s, she had no indication of the relationship between sun and skin cancers. In fact, when that fashion was born and the dangers of the sun proved to be a long time. In the years 1960-1970 people tried to make the skin chocolate and its consequences were later seen: In the 1980s skin cancer cases grew dramatically. In parallel, numerous studies were conducted on the effects of solar rays and it was demonstrated that UVB rays were able to modify the DNA of skin cells.

The skin has anti-sun systems. The most effective system to protect yourself from sunlight is the production of melanin. Sunbathing increases the production of melanin, hence the brown color. But the function of melanin is not to give a beautiful color to the skin, but to protect it from the sun. In this way, those who in principle have more melanin (from those who have more, those of black race, the Indians and the Mediterranean respectively) can spend more time without burning in the sun.

The sun is beneficial because it helps us produce vitamin D, strengthens the protection system and provides vital joy.

However, the protection of melanin is not enough if you want to spend a lot of time in the sun and you have to keep in mind that the damage of the solar rays accumulates. For all this, doctors evoke a series of measures to be taken every year, when the summer begins, to the sun.

at noon and early in the afternoon, better to the shadows; give a protective cream suitable to your skin; moisturize well; protect especially children...

The problem is that more and more are escaping servitude by the sun. However, without crumbling skin, sunless skin tanning products are ideal. Thanks to them a pleasant color is achieved and the skin does not suffer any damage.

Old announcement of Coppertone cosmetics.

These blackening creams or sprays are not a thing of this morning. The first product of this type was presented in 1960 by the well-known solar cosmetics Coppertone, but gave the skin a very orange color. However, the current products allow to obtain a much more natural color and are enough 45 or 60 minutes to begin to perceive the desired color.

The secret of these products lies in the dihydroxyacetone molecule (DHA). DHA has no color, but by joining the cells of the outer layer of the skin and in contact with the air it oxidizes, acquiring a brownish color (like when iron oxidizes). The more DHA the cream contains, the darker the skin. In addition, the surface layer of the skin is formed by dead cells, so no damage occurs. Yes, every day these cells fall (in 35-45 days the whole layer is replaced) and, together with the cells, the color disappears. Therefore, recommend applying the cream every three days. On the other hand, blackish should keep in mind that although they are in tan they have as little melanin as before, so when it comes to sunset they should take the protection measures exactly the same.

Alternatives: solarium and pills

In addition to tanning creams, there are other sunless tanning methods. The easiest thing is to dye the skin. The effect of colored creams is immediate and easily removed with water and some soap. These products are similar to makeup and are sold in powder, cream or lotion. However, they are not used too much, perhaps because it rains at any time in Euskal Herria or because with sweat there is danger of losing color.

Solariums, on the other hand, are quite successful. The solarium emits ultraviolet rays, so it is similar to sun exposure. Regarding the first solarium, the current ones are safer. In fact, UVB rays are the most harmful of ultraviolet rays emitted by the sun, as they can cause cancer. Therefore, only UVA rays are used in the solarium. However, UVA rays damage the structure of the skin, so the skin ages prematurely and wrinkles appear. Therefore, in the solarium you should take the same measures as in the sun, that is, use sunscreens with protective factors of the skin, protect the eyes, etc.

And in these times when there are pills for everything, there are sunless tanning pills (how not! ). These pills have cantaxanthin, an orange carotenoid, and they were quite successful a few years ago. In very small doses, canaxanthin is used to color certain foods in the food industry and, for example, in some chicken farms feed birds to have yellowish meat. Its effect on chickens is the same as in humans, so if high doses are taken, the skin acquires an orange-brown color. The worst thing is that as in the skin accumulates in other organs: liver, brain, eyes... This can cause very serious side effects, from hepatitis to retinal disease.

After all, it is clear that, along with tanning, there is no need for sun to damage the skin. And sometimes you enjoy the caresses of the sun...

Benefits of the Sun

Lately there is so much talk about the damage caused by the sun and it seems that the advantages of sunbathing have been forgotten. For example, it causes the synthesis of vitamin D in the skin, strengthens the immune system, stimulates blood circulation, improves rheumatism, increases the number of sex hormones and has beneficial effects on psoriasis and other skin diseases. In addition, it helps to mitigate depressions, observing that in countries with long winters and few hours of sun, lack of sun increases depression, irritation, fatigue, insomnia and the tendency to suicide.

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