Where you tell why we should not play with language
1986/06/01 Goñi, Jesus Mari | Etxeberria, J. Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
What Alicia wrote ends in what appeared in the last article, but our curiosity is not an easy beast to satiate and asks for more. Despite something strange, we do not simply see the cause of the tragic consequence of this postcard.
Hauzia, to recall in a nutshell, put the same thing on both sides of the postcard sent by those strange brothers and that terrible message was: What puts the other side is false.
To put some order in the whirlwind that is in this complicated, cloudy and naughty territory on the other side of the mirror, we will differentiate the two sides of the postcard with different letters: Zone A and Zone B.
A: What sets the other side is false B: What puts the other side is false
Let's affect the mill. The one who puts in part A says that side B is false. Therefore, what it puts in part B is false, but part B is false the other (side A). Therefore, it is false that the other side (the A) is false. But the lie about lying is true here and in Japan, and before our neurons burst, we are pushed to the clear conclusion that what it puts in part A is true and therefore it is true that what it puts in the other part is false. This is what we have in the head of the mill. Following the thread we should confirm that side B is false and that therefore it is false that puts on side B.
(Breathe before continuing.)

But tranquility doesn't last long across the mirror. When we think we've got a clear idea of something and we're going to decide that we deserve a break, it's where a new storm appears. As in spring, the sun and hail are accompanied here.
What would happen if instead of starting to read this cursed postcard on side A we started on side B? Well, in that case, let's be calm, we won't drive the mill again. Acting with a single symmetry, what puts in part B would be true and the opposite false. But when we take the postcard, how do we know why we have to start reading?. Since both are equal and therefore cannot be differentiated, the option is totally free. In other words, you don't know the right way or not to start reading.
This situation is curious. According to what we are saying, what the postcard says is different and from which side it begins to read. How naughty and admirable! At first we have already warned those who think that playing with language is a dangerous thing and that they are able to read anything without paying attention, surely they will regret seeing how sad their courage has been.
Language is a tool designed to describe the world, to exchange information about what happens in the world with other human beings. As it stays at this level, no problems of any kind occur. Language is an unbeatable tool to describe the world and disseminate information about it. Problems arise above that first level; when we want to turn the subject of language into the same language, when what we want to describe is the same language. When we try to do so in these cases, it is very difficult not to fall into the holes of witches.
When we want to play with the system we have invented to describe the world (language), when we want to get rid of that description, the whole building falls from top to bottom, trapping ourselves. But once the innocence is lost, if that bitter taste of vice is tasted, how can we return to the parents' house? It is impossible. To spend a couple of days, okay, but that risky freedom is so beautiful. And although we know that we will end badly, it is impossible for us to stop playing with language.
As we say, Alice came back across the mirror, but all who have known say that what happened to the other side and what they knew back was not the same person. Alice returned from this symmetrical territory like those teenagers who wake up longer and more sad after having been sore throat. In a very short time, much older.
Listen, what if what puts in part A is a lie? Why should we simply think that in that sense we begin to read that what it says is true? We would have to start the mill again and after taking a turn and another, we would surely not know where we are. How is it possible that this combination of submissive letters is so naughty?
I have done what I can. I realize I am writing, but what am I talking about? When the subject of a genius is written in it, be sure that we are on that endless path, like those warriors who appear in that place.
And finally, a rule: "This phrase has thirty letters." How many letters does that phrase have? Fantastic! Yes!.

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