
How to meet the needs of calcium and iron?

1997/04/01 Lorenzo, Arantza | Uranga, Ane Miren Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

As mentioned on page 22, minerals are very important for the proper functioning of the human body. The lack or insufficiency of minerals can cause diseases, among which the most frequent, and therefore the most known, are the anemia and the decalcification that is recently heard everywhere.

How to avoid these diseases? Most anemias have their origin in the low consumption of iron and/or in the poor use of what is consumed, so it is necessary to address the problem. Try to take whole grains every day or 4 or 5 times a week at breakfast and do not forget that bread is also recommended to be integral.

Legumes (black bean, chickpeas, dyslites, beans or soybeans) are eaten twice a week and, if possible, accompanied by vitamin C, help to absorb iron (beans are eaten with green peppers or after a plate of legumes, they are eaten oranges, kiwi, mandarin or strawberries). Red meat (veal, cow, horse, etc.) Green vegetables (spinach, chard, or verduritas) will be taken twice a week.

As for the decalcification, we have already said that it is more and more frequent. It is a serious problem among those who do not have enough calcium from youth and also for women who have reached menopause. When you reach that age, calcium is not properly absorbed and in some cases, such as in menopause, it can also be due to hormonal problems. For all this, it is necessary to meet the needs of calcium from youth to not damage the bones more than enough in the long term.

Taking every day 2 or 3 dairy can be enough to deal with the problem, such as a glass of milk, a yogurt and a 20-30 g cheese. If there are no problems of cholesterol or arterosclerosis, it is recommended to drink whole milk; if they are taken skimmed, they are enriched in vitamin D for a correct use of calcium. The natives and/or flan are also dairy, but having other ingredients, they have a lot of fat, so they are not suitable for daily consumption.

We hope you will not find it difficult, reader. In addition, it will help you fight anemia and decalcification. So act.

Brief Brief Notes: Brief Notes

  • Insufficient dairy for children and young people

The survey carried out during the first three months of this year in the schools of Gipuzkoa to children and young people between the ages of 12 and 17 has revealed that the dairy is not consumed enough; 59% of the girls and 22% of the boys do not consume every day 3 or 4 recommended dairy products. Given the importance of adequately balancing calcium needs, the survey has concluded that it is necessary to change the diet of our young people.

  • Risks of certain minerals

In the city of Zurich the cans for the packaging of fish have been analyzed and the results have provoked a great stir. It is said that some minerals used oils as a lubricant for the manufacture of cans and, as we have known recently, have also come to use a quantity of dangerous oil for human health. This oil is contagious and to date 100 mg/kg of fish have been detected, while the latest data indicate that in some cans 820 mg/kg have been found. It is already losing the use of this oil and looking for alternatives.

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