
Neutrinos seen since freezing

2003/12/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Astronomers have completed the map of universe neutrinos using sensors installed under Antarctic ice. They used the Amanda 2 telescope at the South Pole. This device is a set of cylindrical freeze detectors. Each sensor detects the traces of neutrinos coming 'from below', that is, the high-energy neutrons that have crossed the entire Earth. By their interaction with ice, neutrinos cause light and the Amanda 2 telescope detects this light.

Clarified the origins of each sign, astronomers have developed a map of neutrinos from the visible part of the universe. These particles are very energetic and, according to experts, are generated in large explosions and similar processes. Therefore, they consider that they have developed a map of phenomena that emit a lot of energy.

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