Agriculture and protected natural areas
1997/10/01 Bengoa Ansa, Aitor Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
Today and in Euskal Herria we do not have an open environment that human beings have not transformed in some way; however, this human influence is very different from some areas to others and when we talk about Nature we mean the one that is closest to what natural ecosystems would be. And as it is land for agricultural, livestock or forestry use, every time we want to protect nature it is essential to take into account these activities.
In this sense, as was written in the first Basque Rural Plan approved in the Basque Parliament five years ago, the agri-food sector, natural habitat and rural population, are three dimensions of the same reality that are integrated. Consequently, the Law on the Conservation of Nature of the Basque Country, with respect to Protected Natural Areas, requires the establishment of socio-economic development programs for its inhabitants, provided that the levels of infrastructure and services of ordinary activities are sought to be improved.

Therefore, when preparing the Plans for the Management of Protected Natural Spaces, the main objectives that are taken into account are the maintenance and improvement of agricultural activities. In short, from the point of view of protection, the elements of these ecosystems have been adapted to these effects over the centuries and their duration and activity is united.
We have a clear example of this in our mountains; in the mountains like Aralar and Aizkorri we have plants and animals of great interest, many of which inhabit the pastures of the upper area, of their pastures. Given that these pastures are not their own, but that they form and maintain human livestock, if the cattle grazing in these mountains suffered a decrease or disappearance of it, the balance of these ecosystems would be interrupted and the future of many threatened species.
The best known birds of prey are the big ones, such as the griffon vulture, the vulture, the vulture or the royal eagle. Due to its scarcity, one of the objectives of the Protected Natural Spaces will be to ensure its conservation. For this it is essential to keep livestock and shepherds. Therefore, the best way to preserve the unique fauna of Natural Parks such as Aralar is to maintain traditional grazing.
But efforts to maintain these activities are not based solely on transversal objectives, even if they are important. Because those in danger in this society are not only vegetation or fauna, but also activities such as grazing or agriculture. Therefore, following the principles of nature protection established in the Autonomous Community, the main efforts of the Protected Natural Areas will be aimed at reconciling the natural habitat with the rural population.
Iñaki AizpuruTechnician of the Department
of Agriculture and Environment of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa.

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