
Nanotechnology getting closer and closer

2006/05/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Nanotechnology getting closer and closer
01/05/2006 | Elhuyar
(Photo: MEC)

As for the labeling of the products that are on sale in the market, 212 products have been found that announce their development thanks to nanotechnology. Half a year ago, so they are more and more.

Many of these products are related to computer science or raw materials for laboratories, that is, they are technological topics. But many others have to do with cosmetics: facial creams, makeup, lipstick... And there are also elements for the sport: tennis rackets, golf clubs, skis, footwear, clothes...

The main conclusions are that the products developed through nanotechnology are becoming more and more common to people on the street and that the word nanotechnology itself is beginning to be used in the marketing areas to sell products.

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