Nanotube conveyor
2008/05/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

One of the most important objectives of nanotechnology is the use of tools capable of transporting at nanometric scale. Researchers at the Centro Nacional de MicroelectrÃ3nica de Barcelona have managed, for the first time, that a 300-nanometer-long nanotube would propel a smaller nanotube.
Carbon nanotubes were used for this purpose. It is a useful two tubes fitted inside each other and the outermost one managed to slide over the inside. At each end of the nanotube that served the rail function a metal platform was placed that passed the electricity. It was found that the tube with conveyor function moved to the nearest platform.
The causes of movement were analyzed and it was concluded that the heat that the current brings to the apparatus is the cause. The current heats the tube, which is dissipated by the platforms of the ends. Thus, the center of the tube is warmer than the ends, forming a heat gradient. This gradient produces jolts in the tube that make the conveyor tube move to the nearest end. If we were to introduce an epoch into a rope that is joined by one end, we would get the same effect, waving the rope: the age inside would go to the other end.

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