
Free internet music

1999/07/11 Kortabarria Olabarria, Beñardo - Elhuyar Zientzia

In the previous pages you can read several topics about pirate ships and in the following lines talk about internet pirates. In fact, American music and technology houses have come together to confront internet pirates. The goal of the merger is not to be able to listen to pirating records in a network.

The interest of the Music Houses for this project is evident, since if you know where to look in the computer network, you can listen to the latest news and listen to them at a very high price. Of course, in this situation music houses have less income than expected.

The project can also be of interest to technology centers, as it can facilitate the creation of new digital tools for the Internet. The project involved 140 music and technology centers, including the large companies Universal, EMI, Sony and Warner Music.

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