
The best invention in the world

2003/04/13 Rementeria Argote, Nagore - Elhuyar Zientziaren Komunikazioa

What is the best invention in the world? Without what tools can people not live? To answer this question, a US survey was conducted. and the result is that you can leave your mouth full. The first five include the car, of course, the microwave and the computer; the mobile phone is mobile phone missing. But above these sophisticated tools appears a much simpler invention: the toothbrush.
The most terrifying date of the year: visit the dentist.

There are those who think it strange that the brush appears above the tools that use the most advanced technology, but the reason is not difficult to understand. We just have to look at the US TV broadcasters to realize the importance they give to the teeth. All proudly show their bright white teeth. It shows that beautiful teeth make a person more attractive.

However, it is possible that under this desire to preserve physical appearance there is a more primitive reason: health. Beautiful teeth are a sign of good health both in the US and in other countries. Therefore, the desire to have healthy teeth is widespread all over the world.

The responsibility for keeping teeth clean is not this morning. Dental health and hygiene have long been associated. In the Middle Ages, in Europe, sweet odour wooden sticks were used to clean the entrails, and the richest ones had golden and silver chopsticks.

The first toothbrush was invented in 1498 by a Chinese emperor. The knob was bone and bristles of pig wool. The invention quickly spread to Europe. Although for many families it was too expensive, they saved and bought only one, and all used it.

According to some studies, the electric brush is the one that cleanses the teeth.

In 1938 there was a breakthrough in the history of the brush, replacing the bristles of the bristles with nylon fibers. Nylon bristles are smoother and do not rub the enamel on the teeth. The construction of plastic handles also meant a major change by making toothbrushes available to the public.

As the use of the toothbrush is widened among the public, progress has been increasing. The most advanced technology is used for the instrument that seems so simple to get teeth clean. The main goal is to remove food remains and bacterial plaque that remain in the mouth. The most difficult cleaning places are between the teeth and the bottom.

There is currently a wide variety on the market. According to experts, the most suitable are those of soft bristle and with slightly curved handle. Also, keep in mind the size of the mouth of the person you are going to use, for example, children should use brushes with a small head.

It is not easy to choose the most suitable brush for everyone, as in addition to traditional brushes, there are also electric brushes. According to companies that manufacture electric brushes, their products are much more efficient than conventional ones, that is, they eliminate better the bacterial plaque that accumulates on the teeth. However, other research sources do not show great differences.

Simple and essential tool.

It seems that it is the electric brush that leaves the teeth cleaner, but not any electric brush, the head has to rotate and swing at the same time. Electric brushes with other movements are no better than conventional brushes.

Keep in mind that electric brushes were created for people with difficulty moving their hands dexterously or for those who have to wash their teeth.

Researchers have been chasing the perfect brush for some time. Since there are teeth and teeth of different shapes, each of us would need a brush adapted to each type of yew. Although with the aim of solving this problem there have been brushes of several heads and other similar inventions, currently it is sought that the single brush perform several functions. To do this, they act by changing the geometric arrangement of the bristles, using bristles of different hardness and different inclinations.

Left-handed toothbrushes play the most in the advancement of toothbrushes. For example, for proper cleaning of the blades without scraping the gums, in the corners there are long, smooth bristles and brushes with short, rigid bristles inside.

The latest research is studying the possibility of making tubes inside the bristles, so that they can store a liquid or a gas inside and release them progressively during the cleaning of the teeth. If you want a brush that kills bacteria as the teeth are cleaned, a bactericidal liquid is inserted into the tubes. If an aroma brush is desired, a sweet smell gas substance can be inserted into the tubes.

It shows that beautiful teeth make a person more attractive.

Leftovers may contain health-beneficial ions at the ends or have the ability to expand ultrasound to remove remnants of accumulated food. The newest is the bristle brush that generates electric field, which loads the enamel so that the food does not stick.

Brushes of the future can be very different from conventional brushes if the project of a team of researchers advances. The brush on your head seems a little weird, because it has no grip. Hedgehog shaped: elastic center and small bristles around its perimeter. Instead of using your hand, it gets into your mouth and, like a gum, brushes your teeth.

Despite the advances, there is a factor that is truly essential for good tooth washing, regardless of the type of brush. The most necessary for a good teeth washing is to make you want. And in that all studies coincide.

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