
Generalized virus virus

2000/09/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

South Atlantic researchers suspect that the West Nile virus, endemic in Africa, Europe and Asia, has already spread throughout America. This virus, which lives in birds and kills some species, does not affect others.

Birds contaminate mosquitoes and humans receive the virus with the bite of mosquitoes. In 1997, 527 people became ill in Bucharest (Romania) and 50 died. Last year, 61 people became ill and 7 died in New York as a result of the encephalitis caused by this virus. According to some researchers, the virus was transported to America by a bird carried by Israel. According to others, it is a descendant of the specimens used in a medical research carried out in New York in the 1950s.

The origin of the origins, the virus spread through the area of New York last July and half of the geese and sparrows of the region have already been contaminated. The hope that the virus will die in winter is lost with the beginning of spring and the most negative predictions predict that it has spread throughout America, since 77 species of migratory birds have contributed in winter to spread the virus to all of North America and to some parts of South America.

Researchers fear the onset of the disease during the summer and propose to control as many birds as possible. Knowing the region in which contaminated birds are found is fundamental in order to protect humans against mosquitoes. This control is very complicated.

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