The walruses cry
2002/02/07 Elhuyar Zientzia

Mortsa is a mammal living in the cold Arctic lands. It is one of the few enemies of the polar bear and often fight each other, the walrus takes the bear to the sea to die drowned in it.
However, his main enemy is man. For many years they have been hunting without limits, which has led them to decrease drastically. To prevent the extinction of the species, only the Eskimos are allowed to hunt. In fact, the Eskimos take advantage of all these animals: to eat meat, to make leather shops and containers, to use tendons as rope... The intestines are given the use of glass, which after expanding and drying become transparent and let light pass.
On the other hand, there is a curiosity worthy of mention: along with the seal and the marine otter, the mortise is one of the few mammals that pours tears. That is, he cries like man. Surely on more than one occasion they will not lack reason.

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