
Preventing myopia

1995/08/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

A group of researchers from New York has just investigated that the risk group for myopia development is made up of children aged four to eight.

Myopia is a more serious problem than expected in countries considered developed. In the US and Europe, for example, about 80% of schoolchildren are short-sighted, a much smaller trend in Third World territories.

Recent research by a group of researchers from New York concludes that children aged four to eight are the risk group for developing this disease. At that age, children's eyes are unable to focus, but that's when they start watching, reading and writing TV often, that is, to efforts that don't support the eyes.

According to these researchers, it is advisable to take corrective measures before explaining them to fight the disease. Therefore, as soon as the next course begins, glasses will be placed for about 20 students who are not myopic and who are within that age.

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