
New technique for cancer prevention in Kanbo

2001/03/06 Mendiburu, Joana - Elhuyar Zientziaren Komunikazioa

For the early diagnosis of lung cancer a new bronchoscope has been brought. This new apparatus was presented to the media on 3 March. The managers of the center have shown their satisfaction for being the first apparatus of this type that is brought to Aquitaine.

Bronchoscopy is the endoscopy of the bronchi. To do this, thin and flexible tubes are inserted through the nose, throat and trachea of the patient for bronchial examination. The introduction of vessels in the patient's bronchi is not something new, but this technique has known many advances. Director Jacques Mujika tells us that "at first it was made with rigid tubes and, of course, the study was very uncomfortable for the patient. Fibroscopic tubes are now used, i.e. fiberglass tubes. The latter are flexible and have a much smaller diameter. As is normal, this study is much more comfortable for the patient." This technique allows you to go much further and also allows you to take samples. However, Jacques Mujika wanted to make it clear that although lung cancer is said not to study the lungs, but bronchi.

The endoscopy service premiered at the Toki Eder center in Cambo is new. The principle of the system used in this Department is the same as so far. The new device is a fibroscope with luminous optical apparatus. However, so far fibroscopic individuals use a white color that sends a blue monochromatic light. Separation of normal bronchial mucus and cancerous mucus is done based on the color of light that reflects mucus. The healthy bronchial mucosa reflects green light and if there are signs of cancer the reflected light is brownish. The color difference is appreciated from the beginning of cancer and, of course, that is the greatest interest of the technique. The faster you detect cancers, the easier they heal. "From now on there will be no excuses for early diagnosis of lung cancer, but as always not everything depends on the center. The health of each of us depends on us and it is essential that the patient go to the center to perform this test."

Another interesting use of this device is the follow-up of patients who have already suffered lung cancer. We can talk about two types of studies: pretreatment and postoperative.

In Toki Eder, with capacity for 151 patients, it is aimed, among others, at people with respiratory failure and vascular diseases and from then on, there will be advanced cardiopulmonary studies. Each consultation will cost between £600-700 (14,400-16,800 pesetas) and social security will take over. In addition, Jacques Mujika stressed that "the doors will be open to everyone and that if the doctors of Hego Euskal Herria want to know this technique and take advantage of it, we are willing to organize the courses and all the service they need".

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