Cancer can be detected in the cave
2000/10/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
Most cancers begin in the epithelium of the organs. Normally, the cells of this layer are not fragmented and when they do, the mechanism of fragmentation of the cells is an erroneous signal. Errors in this mechanism cause cancer. Researchers at the University of Cambridge have invented a test capable of detecting the protein MCM, present only in fragmented cells. The test uses antibodies to identify the protein.
The samples analyzed are the box, urine and feces, which are the natural ways of removing cells from the epithelium of the organs. The test can help detect cancer more easily and quickly, as it seems more sensitive than conventional techniques. For example, the research phase concluded that 7 patients did not have cancer through conventional tests, but the new test detected changes prior to cancer development. Research advances.

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