Mertxe de Renobales will receive this year the prize of the International Association of Bioethics SIBI
2010/02/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

This year, the professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the UPV, Mertxe de Renobales, has been the winner of the competition of the International Association of Bioethics SIBI. Under the slogan "Transgenic foods and ecological foods: bioethical aspects", De Renobalesk claims compatibility between organic and transgenic agriculture. In fact, he explained this idea in “More sustainable foods: transgenic seeds in ecological agriculture”.
Among other things, he mentions that GM seeds, since they do not need phytosanitary products, are useful in ecological agriculture and, even, suitable to increase efficiency.
The jury, made up of scientists Marcelo Palacios, Margarita Salas, Erwin Deutsche and Santiago Dexeus, will receive a prize of 12,000 euros on 11 February. In addition, the SIBI will publish the awarded work.

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