Memori game (2)
1989/05/01 Arrojeria, Eustakio - Elhuyar Zientziaren Komunikazioa | Lizaso, Pili - Informatika SailaElhuyar Fundazioa Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
In the January issue, Elhuyar 19, we mentioned that when we started the memo games there were many games to work memory and our intention has been to address another of them.
While these two programs pursue the same goal, they present some main differences which are:
- (1) the memori was intended for a player and here one or more players can participate.
- (1) the memori game program should memorize the images and their positions. Here the letters of the alphabet will be the protagonists.
The essence of this new memo game is that the computer will display a string of characters on the screen, making a stay of characters to characters and characters. Once the character string shown has disappeared, the player must try to write the same string he has seen.
If we correctly enter the character string, it will teach you a longer string (a longer character) and so on until it fails in a string or invents a 40 character string. The string and the passage from one character to another will depend on the previously selected difficulty level.
Four levels of difficulty have been considered. In the first two levels the consonants and the vowels will alternate, that is, no two consonants or two vowels will ever appear together, being easier to read and therefore memorize. In addition, in the first level of difficulty, in the simplest, the passage between characters will be longer than in the second.
In the last two levels of difficulty the consonants and vowels can appear mixed in any way and the difference between both will be the stay between characters.
The strings that will appear in this case will not be dictionary words nor will they have any meaning or meaning. However, it would be easy for the strings to be displayed to have common phrases, introduced as data in the program itself.
However, it should be noted that in this way the program would be more suitable for performing typing practices than for working memory. In any case, these adaptations or modifications remain in the hands of the reader.

Parts of the program:
- 10-140: Presentation and selection of the degree of difficulty.
- 150-170: Initialization of the game.
- 180-550: The game background.If you are a single player, you will have 5 sessions. If there are several players, each will only have one option.
- 230-380: treatment of a session or opportunity. This bigal will end when a string is missing or when a 40 character string has been invented. Meanwhile define the chain and stay according to the degree of difficulty (240-260). The string should be displayed by characters (280-310) and check the response given by the player (310-370).
- 390-470: The message corresponding to the result obtained will be issued.
- 560-590: It will offer the possibility to repeat the game.

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