
Mediterranean Laboratory

1994/05/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

For fishing to continue in the Mediterranean, it is now mandatory to investigate the environment and respect its balance. For this they have made the catamaran "Europe" shown in the image.

In the European Union Mediterranean fishing has its importance. It represents 15% of total fishing (700,000 tons) by weight and 35% in value. However, Mediterranean fishing is in immediate danger. Urbanization, tourism, waste, etc. are increasingly abundant. In addition, although trials have been conducted to regulate fishing, too much is caught and in the long run the risk of losing species.

For fishing to continue in the Mediterranean, it is now mandatory to investigate the environment and respect its balance. Know marine resources and their exploitation well. To do this they have developed a catamaran called "Europe". This aluminium boat, almost 30 meters long, is a real laboratory. It has a superior laboratory surface of 50% to that of conventional boats and of equal size. It is also more comfortable to prepare and use oceanography equipment than conventional boats.