
In addition to plastic, magnetic material

2004/11/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Some English physicists have achieved the first available magnetic polymer. Two components were mixed to create a new material:

Today, polymers have replaced metals in many applications. As a result of this change very light and resistant parts have been developed. However, engineers cannot replace metal in all cases, as polymers cannot perform all their functions. For example, polymers with magnetic properties do not exist on the market. However, they are about to be, some English physicists have achieved the first available magnetic polymer.

It is not the first time that a material of this type was created, but until now they were not practical, since from 263 C they cause very weak magnetic fields.

Faced with these problems, English physicists mixed two components to form a new material: an electric conductive polymer and another substance that easily produces free radicals. The mixture has a weaker magnetism than metals, but they hope to improve the result by improving the proportion of components and the synthesis process.

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