
Need for mathematical socialization

2000/01/01 Duoandikoetxea Zuazo, Javier - EHUko matematika irakaslea Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

He would have been surprised to hear that he had to celebrate the year of Mathematics. It seems that when these international denominations are made, one must make public a precarious situation or put into view the problems that go unnoticed to society. Does all this have to do with the current situation of Mathematics? The International Mathematical Association considered that yes when it called a special year and now it is up to us to ex officio fill the celebration with content in the acts that will be organized around the world.

We have to show the hidden presence of mathematics. Why the occult? No one denies that the current way of life is technology, just look at the environment. But how many people realize that the basis of this technology is Mathematics? The level of current science would be unthinkable if it had not been supported by Mathematics and, however, when it comes to recognizing discovery and development, the physicist, the engineer, the biologist takes the honor, hiding the contribution of Mathematics. As important as the invention of the electronic microscope can be the development of mathematical structures and tools, which sometimes respond to a practical goal, other times adapted to the needs of understanding and wisdom of mathematicians. This is the first message we want to expand.

I see sadly that these professional users do not realize on more than one occasion of the importance of mathematics. It is difficult to understand the weight of specific subjects in the development of new curricula to the detriment of basic training. In fact, among the basic contents, we see the place of Mathematics in scientific-technical careers and the hours that have been removed from the user become pending. Here and now we would need the importance given to a solid mathematical formation in other countries.

While what today does not know how to read or write is ashamed, people who do not know how to make elementary calculations go quiet and not only among those who have taken little school, also among those who consider of great culture. And if one of these evils does not proudly vindicate his ignorance of science, as merit. My third message is that the school has to give the basis for this training, teaching the subject and recognizing the importance that corresponds to it, on the one hand, and it is evident that it currently does not fulfill these functions. The main concern is the decline that has suffered the level of mathematics in primary and secondary education among those of craft. Less hours and content, lack of precision (where and in Mathematics! ), low level of requirement and, in addition, deficiencies of the educational system in general, the knowledge of students who come to the University has decreased considerably, at least in Mathematics. If we think that the best come from all students, what will be the good of those who have stayed on the road!

I do not know if we will be able to transmit our messages and concerns to society. We have a year to act.

Javier Duoandikoetxea Doctor in Mathematics and professor of the UPV

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