Routes to Mars
1996/11/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

The US NASA Space Agency will not send humans to Mars by 2019. They have had to banish what was an old dream because the economic cost of the project is too high. However, this does not mean that the Red Planet disappears from the American vision.
In fact, NASA and President Bill Clinton have recently announced the project to send robots to Mars, indicating that the first robots will go to Mars on July 4 next year. If you have seen the movie “Independence Day”, the reader will know the reason for the election of that day so marked.
By then, when US robots are to be spaced, the Russian expedition “Mars 96” will be present. The Russians will launch in December the first robots of Martitzeratz and after traveling 100 million kilometers, will arrive next year.

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