
Mangroves, weak protectors

2005/10/28 Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana - Elhuyar Zientzia

In the picture you can see a mangroves of the Indian coast. On December 26, 2004, in the same place, the waves four and a half meters high hit the coast. The villages behind the mangroves suffered small damage compared to those without trees in their surroundings.

Some suspected from the beginning that mangroves protected several coastal towns from damage. To demonstrate this, several researchers have been studying mangroves and have now published their findings in the journal Science.

Researchers have discovered the importance of mangroves to protect people from tsunamis and storms. Ecologically they are really important areas, but they can deteriorate easily. Therefore, they point out that mangroves are a treasure to preserve.

The behavior of dunes and beach forests is similar to that of mangroves, so researchers believe they should also protect themselves.

Photo: Finn Danielsen, Northern European Development and Ecology Agency (NORDECO)