
I love you forever

2004/11/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Egyptians as well mummified animals as humans. This is attested by the results of a recent investigation.

Egyptians as well mummified animals as humans. Specifically, a. C. Some researchers conducted a chemical analysis of mummified animals between the years 818-343 and found that they used with animals the same chemicals they used to mummify people.

Liverpool National Museum

Researchers have used chromatography and mass spectrometers to identify these substances and have shown that they used a large number of organic substances such as wax, resins and vegetable oils, rubber, etc. With the same objectives that humans used them: wax, oil and resin, for their antimicrobial and fungal effect, and for humidity, for the adhesion of rubber joints... In addition, oil remains have been found. Oil was used to keep the mummy for a long time, but also to color.

The Egyptians mummified millions of mammals, birds and reptiles, so experts did not believe that they would use a very complicated process with them. The in-depth study of the mummies of a cat, an ibis and two blacks has shown that the beliefs were corrupt. In short, this shows that these animals were really important to the Egyptians of the time.

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